Berlin, Germany, June 12th, 2017: Frafos GmbH today announces completion of its interoperability tests between Apple’s Safari webrtc and Frafos WebRTC SIP gateway. WebRTC is a standard for browser telephony used mostly for integration of call centers, online conferencing and click-to-dial customer care applications. WebRTC has been available in modern browsers including Chrome, Firefox and Opera and is used by many applications such as Google Hangouts and Amazon Connect. Since the last week, WebRTC is also supported by Apple’s experimental release of Safari browser. See the Apple announcement under the following link: 

Frafos CEO, Rick Kuhlbars, said: “WebRTC has made it incredibly easy to add voice interaction to web applications. It is not just that: web telephony uses browser encryption standard meaning that companies can communicate with their customers more securely than before in the whole telephony’s history. Apple users can now easily access WebRTC applications, and through Frafos SIP gateway SIP and PSTN equipment as well”.